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SPAM Bouncer

SPAM Bouncer operates on our mail server cluster to provide the ultimate protection against unwanted and disruptive unsolicited email, commonly referred to as spam. SPAM Bouncer can be fully configured to your own unique preferences, allowing full automation and real time control over what you choose to allow into your mailbox, in turn increasing productivity and decreasing time wasted on filtering unwanted junk mail.

You can specify how you wish SPAM Bouncer to deal with messages identified as spam by selecting the appropriate radio button. ‘Send to POP3 mailbox’ will route all intercepted spam to the POP3 mailbox of your choice. ‘Delete Mail’ will automatically delete the email when it reaches our mail servers. ‘Bounce Mail’ will bounce the spam back to the original sender with a delivery failure message detailing why the mail was rejected. ‘Deliver Mail’ will route the mail to its original destination, you can then use filtering rules in your email program to deal with messages identified as spam based on headers or subject.

The subject of messages identified as spam can be modified by checking the ‘Subject’ box and entering the desired text in the space provided.

Click the ‘Save Settings’ button to save any changes.

You may adjust the ‘Tolerance’ level to control how strictly SPAM Bouncer will treat email sent to your Inbox. The less tolerant you set SPAM Bouncer, the larger the amount of spam mail intercepted, but the greater the risk of incorrectly identifying legitimate email as spam. A moderate setting is appropriate for the majority of users. Click the ‘Save Settings’ button to implement any changes.

Specify the languages in which you expect to receive email from the list box by holding the CTRL key and clicking your mouse button on your desired languages. SPAM Bouncer will consider messages written in languages not selected to have a high probability of being spam. Click the ‘Save Settings’ button to implement these changes.

Allow List
An ‘Allow List’ can be quickly and easily set up. An allow list defines email addresses or domain names from which you will always allow mail to be delivered normally, regardless of content. Should SPAM Bouncer incorrectly reject a legitimate email from a particular address or domain name, you should list it here. To add a domain or email address to your Allow List, enter it into the space provided and click the ‘Add’ button. The current entries on your Allow List are displayed, to remove any entry simply click it’s corresponding ‘Remove’ link.

Block List
A block list defines email addresses or domain names from which you wish to automatically reject email, regardless of content. Should SPAM Bouncer fail to intercept a spam email from a particular address or domain name, you may wish to list it here. To add a domain or email address to your Block List, enter it into the space provided and click the ‘Add’ button. The current entries on your Block List are displayed, to remove any entry simply click it’s corresponding ‘Remove’ link.

SPAM Bouncer adds a header ‘X-Spam-Flag’ to every message it scans, the value of this header will be ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ indicating whether or not the message has been identified as spam. You can use this header in conjunction with the ‘Send to POP3 mailbox’ or ‘Deliver Mail’ deliver options and the filtering facilities in your email program to handle spam messages as you desire.

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